Brum’s Christmas Message

At the time when I first became a celebrity, admittedly a few years ago now, it was just the Queen who used to deliver a Christmas message but, I have realised, that many others do this as well. So, after the enthusiastic reception to my words last year about Autonomous Cars, I thought I would share a few more with you all.
Just going back to the topic of autonomous cars that have continued to be so newsworthy over the last 12 months, I am a lot calmer now. I realise that it could still be quite a few years until grown-up cars can drive around a city, avoiding other cars, stopping for pedestrians and understanding the gestures of other drivers: all things I could do brilliantly when I was allowed on to the road. Also, since Graham explained the meaning of the word “crusher”, I have decided not to mention the topic again. Unless, …….., no, never again!
So, what has been happening in the museum? Well, there has been quite a lot going on around me this year. There is the on-going restoration of the Austin Seven pick-up truck; this will be displayed outside the museum once the fine weather returns, hopefully in the Spring of 2018. Then there’s the restoration of the red rickshaw, on display in front of the museum – that was completed. We have some new volunteers who help with restoration tasks and work behind the scenes to ensure that everything continues to work and look presentable. But, best of all, I heard Michael say that we had an all-time record number of visitors this year; overtaking the previous record set in 2002!
Maybe they didn’t all come to see me, but one couple certainly did. The other morning Graham came to open the museum and found a couple who had come all the way from Australia just to see me, I’m sure that is what they said. So, Graham took pity on them and opened early just so they could come and find me. What an honour, I’m still famous! I also heard them saying something about cricket and Ashes and I’m sure I heard that word “crushed” again but I didn’t really understand.
Finally, just between ourselves, I saw all that lovely snow last week and decided to sneak out for a quick spin across the common; I didn’t even tell Graham that I was going and was back before anyone missed me. As you can see from my picture, I was having a great time, then I saw this notice about cars found driving on the common. It said, if found they could be “impounded and crushed”. Oh dear, not again! I must learn to keep a low profile.
Have a lovely Christmas and my best wishes for 2018. Don’t forget to come a see me when we re-open on Saturday 10 February. Toot toot!Brum on common